Allan Novak is making it happen. He is running the Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon for the second year in a row because “I love the energy of the runners and supporting crowds. It reminds me spring is right around the corner and brighter days are ahead”.
He’s running with Philly Runs Free and Legacy of Hope because “I believe in the Legacy of Hope vision and mission, and I see the meaningful support that is provided across our communities. This is my opportunity to be their advocate by fundraising and sharing their message so others can connect in their own meaningful way”.
Like so many others, Allan runs along the Schuylkill River Trail and Kelly Drive. It’s his favorite path to run because of the energy of other runners, walkers and cyclists. “It’s the perfect way to start the day, giving me time to think or zone out; I call it my run therapy. It gets me outside to enjoy the sun and fresh air. I love how clear and energized I feel after a run”.
Be like Allan – get outside and run for clarity, for energy and for others. Run for a reason.